Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

things I recommend when you come to my area

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
This time I would recommend anything what can you do when you come to my area, namely the city of Ketapang, which is the most beautiful city in my opinion. Probably not a lot of places and food that I can recommend to you all.
Let us begin with his friends a place that I can recommend to you all. The first place is the tourist attractions found in the village right cloud river estuary pawan districts. Sights that this one is a tourist place often visited urban ketapan
g when the feast and similar events show her. The next place is a Malay traditional house ketapang districts contained in the noble mulia Kerta. The traditional house is like a custom home on its common, used to show custom events wither ketapan district.
Next is a typical meal in Ketapang district, namely amplang. This amplang central manufacture in the villages kauman, and brand names, there is amplang obic. And many more brands of amplang contained in Ketapang district. If you want to visit my area can contact me directly.
Well maybe that's his friends that I can recommend anything that may have faced in my area. If you want to visit as I have already said please contact me. That is all and thank you
Final word wasalamualikum wr.wb

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

I ate the last meal on earth

Back again with me, maybe you often open my blog will get bored with the words. Why do I always use that phrase because honestly from my heart most in I do not have another opening line when starting to write in my blog. By this I hope those who read my blog know.
This time I will write about the last meal I ate on earth. Maybe I will eat food that exist throughout the world, with a record of halal. But because only one choice so I chose food called pizza. Maybe some of you will laugh when I mention pizza. Honestly this time I have never eaten food named this pizza. So if you feel sorry for me please traded pizza for me. From the words of people who never eat this one, said its food has a good taste of course, slightly salty which is making this meal much like people, and also said his pizza usually in toping of various kinds, such as beef, sausage and many more.
Perhaps by now only a story that I can convey to you. If there is any kind of suggestion or her stay in the only comment in the comments field. With a record of comment that can make me better and better when writing this on my blog.
Okay enough of his friends and thanks

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

letters to me for the next ten years

Back again with my good heart and a lot in search of the same woman. This time I will write a letter to me ten years. I probably will not be too many letters to me the next ten years maybe I'll just tell the good and bad experiences that I face at this time, let pity that the next decade could remember my past, both good and bad.
Starting my bad experience. It may not be in a bad call on my experience this one, more accurately called a very sad experience for me. But I will not mention that experience, but I will only mention the key word that is only 2016. Perhaps my next ten years will understand what I have to say this.
Next is a good experience I think that this year I really feel that I am the most fortunate people this year because I can go to university Tanjongpura. Maybe my next ten years more to know what a very good experience for me this year, namely 2016.
Perhaps by now only letter that I can convey to me for the next ten years, because I do not know what to write anymore. Because my head's too dizzy enough that I have to. Please comment from his friends that article that I created on my blog better. That is all and thank you.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

my favorit song karoke

Hi friends back with me, this time I'll tell you about my favorite karaoke songs. Maybe you have not read a new story on my blog, it was because I was two weeks after I wrote in my last blog I have pain. After recovering from my illness became lazy to write on the blog. And only now that I began to re-write my blog personally.
Well my fellow friends will immediately tell you about my favorite song when I karaoke. My favorite song is the song of Iwan Fals, entitled bento and Oemar Bakri. Why bento songs and songs Oemar Bakri I choose the arena of the song is not too difficult for the singing, and the typical sound of my voice that is somewhat similar to me. Songs and Oemar bento iwan fals Bakri is the song most often I sing my typing again karoke. But there are other songs from iwan fals I sang when I karaoke, and it was a lot of which I can not call the song title.
Well maybe just this hour his friends a story that I can share with you. If there are words that offended you I personally apologize on behalf of that deep inside her. Because no man is perfect, because perfection belongs only to God who created us.

Rabu, 23 November 2016

The online information debate

Parwanto                     (C1051161037)
Leonardus Kiki             (C1051161085)
Ghufron Mubarok       (C1051161077)
Hamdan                      (C1051161001)

1.      Ghufron Mubarok : What website do you use to find information?
Hamdan : website yang biasa saya gunakan adalah google.
Leonardus Kiki : saya juga menggunakan google.
Ghufron Mubarok : wich are best?
Leonardus Kiki : ya, itu yang terbaik dari website yang lain.
Parwanto : why
Hamdan : Karena website google itu sangat lengkap dibandingkan dengan yang lain dan sangat mudah untuk mencari informasi di seluruh dunia.

2.      Leonardus Kiki : does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites?
Ghufron mubarok : Kalau dalam mengakses website kami tidak ada larangan dalam menggunakan situs untuk mencari informasi yang positif
Parwanto : Asalkan tidak mengarah ke hal-hal yang negatif misalnya pornografi
Ghufron Mubarok : Benar saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu.

3.      Hamdan : What are the differences between online information and information from libraris or encyclopedias?
Parwanto : kalau menurut saya jika informasi online informasi tersebut terkadang tidak sesuai dan sumbernya juga kurang jelas, jika di perpustakaan informasi tersebut pasti dapat di pertanggung jawab karena sudah ada nama pengarang atau penyusun, tahun terbit, judulnya jelas, kota terbitnya juga jelas dan perusahaan atau instansi tersebut jelas di terbitkan di daerah mana.
Ghufron Mubarok : dan juga kalau informasi online itu belum tentu benar karena orang-orang dapat upload informasi apa saja yang mereka inginkan baik itu benar atau hanya untuk mencari sensasi.

               GROUP NAME

Parwanto                   (C1051161037)
Leonardus Kiki           (C1051161085)
Ghufron Mubarok     (C1051161077)
Hamdan                      (C1051161001)

1.    GhufronMubarok: What website do you use to find information?
Hamdan: website that I use is google.
Leonardus Kiki: I also use google.
GhufronMubarok: wich are best?
Leonardus Kiki: Yes, it was the best of the web.
Parwanto: why
Hamdan: Because the Google website was very full compared to the others and is very easy to search for information across the world.

2.    Leonardus Kiki: does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites?
GhufronMubarok: When accessing our website there are no restrictions in using the site to look for positive information
Parwanto: As long as they do not lead to negative things as pornography
GhufronMubarok: Yes I agree with you.

3.    Hamdan: What are the differences between online information and information from libraris or encyclopedias?
Parwanto: if you ask me if the information online that information sometimes does not match and the source is also unclear, if the library that information surely accountability can be responsible for the existing name of the author or authors, year of publication, the title is clear, the city of the publication is also clear and firm or the agency clearly published in the areas.
GhufronMubarok: and also if the information online is not necessarily true because people can upload whatever information they want whether it is true or just for the thrill.