Rabu, 16 November 2016

Hi friends welcome back on the blog belong to me, this time I'll tell you my favorite tourist attractions
At the start of my first favorite places are tourist attractions in North kayong Regency i.e. datok Island Beach, which is now known as the karimata Strait, karimata Strait datok or island is a very beautiful beach, the water is crystal clear, his or her clean beaches and white sand. See the beautiful beach making keti seeming stunned, if we've been there sense of his feet we don't want to step away from the beach.
When you guys go to the Beach the datok Island Beach, i.e. should you guys invite close friends or family because when you guys go there alone is certainly very unpleasant, for you guys that are outside the city of kayong utara and ketapang, if you want to visit this beach should invite someone who already knows the route to go there so that you don't get lost , and be great of you to invite me. ..
And tang sights is my second favorite waterfalls in sanggau, this waterfall is a waterfall that is the first time I have encountered in my lifetime, the waterfall is very beautiful, but the falls have not been managed with good by the City Government sanggau
Okay maybe quite a few stories of yan can I if there is wrong I apologize, said the end of the Word mail wr. wb

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