Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

things I recommend when you come to my area

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
This time I would recommend anything what can you do when you come to my area, namely the city of Ketapang, which is the most beautiful city in my opinion. Probably not a lot of places and food that I can recommend to you all.
Let us begin with his friends a place that I can recommend to you all. The first place is the tourist attractions found in the village right cloud river estuary pawan districts. Sights that this one is a tourist place often visited urban ketapan
g when the feast and similar events show her. The next place is a Malay traditional house ketapang districts contained in the noble mulia Kerta. The traditional house is like a custom home on its common, used to show custom events wither ketapan district.
Next is a typical meal in Ketapang district, namely amplang. This amplang central manufacture in the villages kauman, and brand names, there is amplang obic. And many more brands of amplang contained in Ketapang district. If you want to visit my area can contact me directly.
Well maybe that's his friends that I can recommend anything that may have faced in my area. If you want to visit as I have already said please contact me. That is all and thank you
Final word wasalamualikum wr.wb

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